May you have a wonderful weekend. ^___^
Korang kenal dengan Alexander Graham Bell tak?? Hehehe.. Aku tau semua orang kenal, even budak sekolah rendah pun kenal siapa si Bell tu, pencipta telefon yang pertama didunia. Yup, hari ni aku nak cerita pasal Telefon, Bell, dan hal-hal yang sekutu dengannya.
Beberapa hari lepas, Manager aka bos department aku ada share satu info pasal asal usul perkataan 'Hello'. Merujuk kepada cerita dia, perkataan 'Hello' tu berasal dari nama isteri si Bell tu, Margaret Hallo. Oleh sebab setiap kali bila telefon isteri dia, dia akan cakap 'Hallo', maka terlahirlah perkataan 'Hello' tu.
Tiba-tiba je aku jadi musykil, ye la menurut pembacaan aku beberapa tahun lalu, antara ingat-ingat lupa. Si Bell ni bila telefon orang dia akan sebut 'Ahoy' dan bukannya 'Hallo'. Ermm.. Tapi aku takda la bagitau bos aku, aku diam-diam je, mana tau kalau aku tersalah baca ke. Jadi, untuk memastikan hal itu, aku terus google.
*Pertama sekali nama isteri Alexander Graham Bell ialah Mabel Gardiner Hubbard, bukan Margaret Hallo.
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Alexander Graham Bell |
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Mabel Gardiner Hubbard |
1. National Public Radio, 1999 (Host: Robert Siegel)
Allen Koenigsberg is a professor of classics at Brooklyn College and an expert in the life of Alexander Graham Bell's rival, Thomas Edison. He says the two great men had different notions about how to let a caller know that you'd picked up the phone.
When Bell invented the phone, he didn't use 'hello' at all. He used it twice, 'Ahoy. Ahoy.'. And apparently he was the only one that used it, because I've never heard anybody to this day say, 'Ahoy'. And Bell was not even in the Navy, so I don't know why he insisted on using a call that way. But if you study the origin of the word 'hello', which may come from 'halloo', is the call of a ferry boat operator, and you call then over when you want a ferry boat to come to your doorstep. So, the word may have come from that.
2. Wikipedia
The use of Hello as a telephone greeting has been credited to Thomas Edison, according to one source, he expressed his surprise with a misheard "Hullo". Alexander Graham Bell initially used "Ahoy" (as used on ships) as a telephone greeting.
Melalui kebanyakkan sumber yang aku dapat, ramai yang mengatakan bahawa Alexander Graham Bell menggunakan "Ahoy" sebagai kata pembuka bicara dan orang yang diberi kredit atas perkataan Hello itu ialah Thomas Edison hanya gara-gara salah dengar.
Akhir sekali, aku ada terjumpa sesuatu yang aku rasa lucu (baca sumber kat bawah). Mungkin ini yang dimaksudkan oleh bos aku. Hahah.. Sabar je la, tapi aku tak pasti akan kesahihannya. Apa-apapun, ini sekadar untuk perkongsian bersama, tambah ilmu la katakan. Hehehe..
Sumber: Forum Bharat Swabhiman (By: Anil)
In our daily life we are causally using the word "hello" while answering the phone calls. Actually the word "hello" came into existence by Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of telephone. Hello is the name of Alexander Graham Bell's girlfriend called Margaret Hello. We might have forgot Alexander but not his girlfriend.
P/s: Yoboseyo?? (Korean style) Heheh.. Tak kisah la Hello ke, Holla ke, yang penting SOPAN. Dan sebagai orang Islam macam kita, adalah lebih elok jika kita cakap 'Assalamualaikum..'
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